I Am Rambling


Recorded new vocals for repeating, but haven’t posted new version. So don’t listen to the old one still on the juke box. Not that you were. Lol

½ deaf versus recording, it’s a struggle. But like Mr. Rock said, “no…

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Riding to Granite Bay Brewing


New instrument. Blues and brews?


I recorded the next Song for Tiffany, but the tempo falls apart about ½ way through it. So . . .


Lá Fhéile Pádraig sona duit! 


Happy Pi Day! I don’t know much about math, but I sure like pie.

Also, beware the Ides of March! New video tomorrow. Spoiler alert, the video has nothing to do with the day.


Why did my text change hues? Can’t hardly read it. Let me call the tech team. Oh crap, I am the tech team.